पंचक्रोशी शिक्षण प्रसारक मंडळ बुगटे आलूर
पंचक्रोशी विद्यालय
The Panchkroshi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal has always acted in accordance with its name Panchakroshi, meaning five villages in Marathi, since its foundation in 1983. The school has flourished like canopy covering and nourishing the educational requirement of all the five neighboring villages near Nangnur. We at Panchkroshi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal extensively believe in Education for all and Education for Inspiration. Throughout our journey, we have worked to demonstrate that Education is the key to an equitable society. We agree that exposure to excellent education equip children with knowledge, skill and values desired to be aresponsible citizen.
We provide high school education facility to all the children of nearby 5 villages.
Along with basic school education, we also impart skill training sessions. This is integrated in curriculum to enhance practical knowledge of students in the age group of 14-18 years.
We conduct Tree plantation drive in order to develop a sense of responsibility and concern towards Environment.
We also conduct Swachhata Abhiyana to bring awareness on cleanliness and health in rural areas.
We arrange Medical Camps at remote villages to ensure Health care facilities are accessible to all.
Decades ago, high school education seemed like sour grapes to most of the villagers. But, with dedicated efforts of our founders, high school education was made easy and reachable. Since then, there is no looking back. From 1983 till 2020, the school has unfolded itself into a pioneer in imparting good quality high school education. We proudly say that a total of 2,256 students have been benefitted from this till date.
We have promoted and supported education of girl child since our foundation. During the first academic year in 1983-84 there was only one girl who was admitted to high school. But with our continuous efforts this count has increased steadily and at present there are 40 girls in school.
The skill training is provided in fields that we associate the most in our day-today life like Plumbing, Carpenting, Tailoring and Machine repair. Due to this practical knowledge, the students take up contract of small construction works and uniform stitching during the summer vacation. This in turn helps them financially.
The skill training will serve as job opportunity platform in village if by any means they could not get college education in future. This will also result in lesser migration of villagers in search of jobs to the city.
The school also has had social impact like Jata Nirmulan(Dreadlock Elimination). There is a belief that naturally
matted hair is a blessing from Goddess and cutting them will invite misfortune. Girls or women with dreadlocks are married to God and they are refrained from having normal life. With our awareness programs, 42 women removed Jata and they came back to normal life like taking education, getting married etc.
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